



Program Integrity & South Carolina’s Review of Unreported Medicare Payments Webinar - Thursday, April 10, 2025, at 3:00pm ET

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SDRC, in collaboration with the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, welcome you to a program integrity webinar. In this webinar, South Carolina will detail how the state identified and recouped unreported Medicare payments from providers. The webinar will begin with a conceptual overview and methodology for determining provider overpayments. The agency will then discuss how they identified provider Medicare overpayments and the review process initiated with providers. South Carolina will share their lessons learned and common errors encountered throughout this process before concluding with a summary of their review status and next steps identified at the agency. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




Change to the Part D PDE File Layout

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There is an upcoming change to the Part D Prescription Drug Event (PDE) file where the variable named “CLM_PRSBNG_PRVDR_GNRC_ID_NUM” will change in character length from 15 characters to 35 characters. This change will go into effect on Friday, January 17, 2025. For more information, please contact SDRC via the Contact Us form.




Impacting Care by Exploring Emergency Room Visits in Medicare Fee-For-Service Claims Webinar - Thursday, November 7 at 3pm ET

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On November 7, 2024, at 3:00pm ET, the State Data Resource Center (SDRC) will host a webinar featuring Pennsylvania’s Office of Long-Term Living to learn about emergency room visits in Medicare FFS Claims using enhanced, secondary COBA data.  In this webinar, SDRC will answer common questions related to utilizing COBA data, while Pennsylvania’s Office of Long-Term Living will provide a high- level overview of their process to analyze emergency room admission and discharge codes, clinical categorization, and an approach to impacting care based on this data. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




Health Policy and the Twin Epidemics of Obesity and Diabetes Webinar – October 29, 2024, at 2:00pm ET

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The SDRC welcomes you to a webinar with a guest presenter from CMS to learn about the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes and CMS’ policy challenges, opportunities, interventions. In this webinar, we will answer common questions recently received related to diabetes interventions; provide an overview of the impact of obesity and diabetes; examine trends in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes from 2011 to 2022; emphasize additional health outcomes caused by diabetes; and highlight CMS’ diabetes challenges, opportunities, strategy, and interventions. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




2022 Medicare Parts A & B Data Available

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Calendar Year 2022 Medicare Parts A & B data from the CCW have been final-actioned and are now available for request.




Timely Medicare Data Available to States and Territories

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) makes real-time Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) data available through the State Data Resource Center (SDRC), free of charge! States can choose to receive a secondary, enhanced feed of Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA) claims or a monthly feed of non-final action Part A and B claims.

  • COBA claims data: shared as often as daily or weekly, with only a two-week maturity/processing lag time. Examples of how your state could utilize the enhanced COBA feed includes, but is not limited to, (1) perform analyses on patient- or provider-levels in real-time, and/or (2) analyze aberrant utilization and/or billing patterns.
  • non-final action Part A and B claims data: shared monthly, with only a three-month lag time from the month of service. Examples of how your state could utilize the non-final action Part A and B claims includes, but is not limited to, (1) analyze, monitor, and provide feedback related to care coordination and/or program integrity, (2) analyze patient- or provider-levels on a monthly basis, and/or (3) analyze aberrant utilization and/or billing patterns on a monthly basis.




2021 Medicare Parts A & B Data Available

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Calendar Year 2021 Medicare Parts A & B data from the CCW have been final-actioned and are now available for request.




MMA Response File Processing Delays

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) provides updates to Medicaid agencies when there will be delays in the processing of the MMA Response File. The best way to ensure your Medicaid agency is receiving the state/territory file suspension notices is to ensure that the appropriate staff has a state/territory user role in the CMS Identity Management System (IDM) with a current email address.

To add a state/territory user role in IDM, refer to the instructions in the Identity Management User Guide, Section 4 [“How to create a new user account"] through Section 6 [“How to Request a Role”].

If you experience any issues with the above instructions, please contact the MAPD Help Desk at 1-800-927-8069.

The attached image provides an example of what your Medicaid agency can expect to see in the State/Territory File Processing Suspension notification emails.




MMA Notifications from CMS

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) provides multiple notifications to ensure your Medicaid agency is kept up to date on the status of your MMA file submissions.

CMS sends notifications like the one attached to your Medicaid agency each time an MMA Request file is submitted. These notifications provide important information regarding the status of the submitted request file.

If you are not receiving these notifications, please open a ticket with the MAPD Help Desk at 1-800-927-8069. In that ticket, please include: 

  • The Medicaid agency email address
  • That you are requesting that the ticket is assigned to the MEPBSProdSupport team
  • That you would like to be added to the MMA file Medicaid agency notification list

We strongly suggest the Medicaid agency consider creating a shared email address mailbox versus individual staff emails (e.g., to receive the notifications.

The attached image is an example of what your Medicaid agency can expect to see in the notification emails.




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that starting from Sunday, November 10th, 2024, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA Files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00 AM ET on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, at which any MMA response files will be sent.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00PM ET


You are leaving the SDRC Public website and are being redirected to the new SDRC Portal website, where you can submit and track data requests, ask questions, and access SDRC resources. You will need a username and password to log into the SDRC Portal. If you are Medicaid agency staff and/or associated downstream user who would like access, please contact the SDRC Support Team for more information.

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